About Male Avoidance. Also, Mothers of Sons.

Something happened to me the other day that I wanted to share. I want to know if any of you have had a similar experience and what your thoughts are.

I have made no secret that I am against birthing children. I have written about it extensively and won’t bore everyone with listing the multitude reasoning of why I believe it again. But there is one specific reason that I will mention here since it is pertinent to this discussion. And that is why are any of us having male children? Are we short on male violence? Does patriarchy need more oppressors? The world needs more males?

I am not very accurate when guessing the age of kids, since I have never spent that much time around them. I have exactly zero maternal instinct and you all will know all about the hell I catch for that failure of womaning. Anyway, I am just over 5 feet. I was walking into a convenient store when this male toddler approaches me, his mother close behind. I am guessing he might have been 3 or 4? He came up to right around my waist, but he couldn’t talk like an adult. He was very babyish.

This tiny ass male walks right up to me, puts his hands up above his head, and literally slaps his hands onto my breasts. And he immediately squeezes. And tries to leave them there. I froze for a second.

Out of instinct, I slapped his hands away and said NO really loud. And I am not sorry. I would never abuse a child, ever. I didn’t hurt him, but I hurt his feelz, and so he immediately began the lip quiver, as if he was going to cry. All of this happened in 2 or 3 seconds.

So his mother, who is right behind him, says his name, and says “you can’t go around hugging just everyone”. Just as she got to the end of that sentence was when I slapped his hands off of me. I looked at her like she was nuts, and I said “are you teaching him that grabbing women by their breasts is a hug?????” She didn’t answer me. She was highly offended that I didn’t coo at her special snowflake, if the look on her face was any indication. She looked like she wanted to say something, she was obviously at least irritated, if not outright mad, so I waited a second or 2. When she didn’t respond, I walked away.

I do not like males. I am allowed to not like males. ALL of them. Including the children, who are usually really fucking horrible. If you want to see radical feminist women fall seamlessly into spouting MRA talking points, find the ones that have male children. I have seen some discussions online about women only spaces and if male children should be allowed in them. Males show entitlement to women as early as 2 or 3 years old, and the UK just had a case of 2 six year old boys repeatedly raping a 6 year old female classmate. Teachers knew and did nothing but blame the girl, and it went on for a long time because the little girl did not possess the language necessary to explain what was being inflicted onto her, even though her parents knew that something was wrong, they just didn’t know what it was.

And it is happening more and more. Or is it that boys have always assaulted girls this way? And the girls are ignored? Or told that “boys will be boys”?

****I googled to find the case of the 6 year old male rapists in the UK. This is the page Google gave me……….


I have no fucking words. Jesus.****

I remember being 6 or 7 years old and swimming at a local pool. A few of the boys were continuously trying to untie the girls’ bathing suits at the top to expose our chests. I went to my mother, and her response was to laugh, say “boys will be boys”, and “when boys are mean to you or annoy you, it means they like you. Ignore them and they will stop.”

I learned a couple of things that day. The first is that boys are entitled to do what they want to girls and no one will stop them.

The second is that if a boy is hurting you, HE LIKES YOU.

And if a boy is “bothering” you, IGNORE HIM and he will stop. Smile and be kind. Eventually, he might stop. I mean, I don’t know why he would. When he can “like” you however he wants to.

We are given a million insidious little coded femininity dictates from birth. Be quiet, be kind, don’t take up space, don’t run, don’t get your dress dirty, play with this doll, you don’t really want to play with that chemistry set! You might get dirty! When he pulls your hair, it’s because he likes you, don’t embarrass him by making a fuss.

This is how male society normalizes male abuse. We socialize girls to take shit from boys. And we socialize boys that they are welcome to do whatever they choose to girls with absolutely no consequence.

And a frightening amount of boys choose to treat girls as objects on which they can show aggression just because they can. And these boys are choosing sexual violence earlier and earlier.

So, no. I support women that want to have kids, even males. But I don’t want to be around them. And they do not belong in woman only spaces. Mothers of sons lose their shit when women say that. And then they will say that women that don’t want to be around their sons are resentful that they gave birth to sons. I am not resentful, but I don’t agree with giving males life, especially at a great cost to ourselves and when the majority of males are straight up horrible.

And mothers of sons will say that they are raising their sons to be feminist! The most feminist males in the history of the ever! And I wonder why they think that they, as 1 person, will have more influence over their son then the whole of patriarchal society. Especially when they, as one person, are asking males to not oppress women while all of society encourages them to do the opposite. Also, do they think that really smart, radical feminist women have never had sons before them? That they are somehow smarter than women that had sons before them?

If sons had any respect for their mothers, it would seem that they would internalize that a female person made the decision to share their body for 9 months, give birth to them, and spend years of their life taking care of them, providing for them, and raising them. But somehow, males always see the labor of their mother as an entitlement, and decide that women have a natural place as slaves to males, and they continue the cycle of oppression. Males learn that a mother’s love is dictated to be unconditional,* which males interpret to mean that they can treat a woman however they choose because women are going to love them no matter what. And they project this on to every woman everywhere, and it starts with their mother.

So I can’t understand why women would choose to give life to a male. But I will support whatever reproductive choices that women make. And I will not judge them or be shitty about it.

Until their precious little prince grabs my breasts. Then, I am going to be shitty. Unless she immediately corrects him.

Don’t teach your male children that it’s cute or funny to grab my breasts. Society will teach them that they own us. So how about you do women a favor and teach him to keep his hands to himself? And that he doesn’t have the right to touch women just because he wants to?

I am pretty sure I know how he will choose. But it would be nice if you tried.


*I think that teaching women that it is our job to love unconditionally is straight up bullshit. There are people that do not deserve our love. Males should not be entitled to anything from us. End of.


There was a fascinating discussion about breastfeeding in the comments on a recent thread. And then I saw this….

I can’t even. His mother gave him life. And look at what he is fucking doing. He is disgusting.


Enjoy this dog. Who is eating tacos. While wearing a onesie.

25 thoughts on “About Male Avoidance. Also, Mothers of Sons.

  1. I have always avoided men and women to be honest because most people are full of shit. Moreover I am very introverted and I prefer reading to interacting with idiots. Avoiding people has been very beneficial to me and I recommend it to everyone 😀 Maybe extroverted women with an IQ of 90 likes extroverted, stupid moronic man with an IQ of 92 ? and she wants to be classical slave wife because of her retarded brain she can’t see other options and she is too stupid to live independently of men ? This may seem terrifying but there are a lot of retarded people who can’t think abstractly or even read or write properly in their own language. Women seem too stupid to wake up I mean you must be retarded when you are 80 and you still believe in men and God. When I was 8 I realized God doesn’t exist and 17 when I realized men are animals, completely different species. My country Poland is full of retarded, religious people who can’t think abstractly and they are just classical wives or husbands because for them there is no other options…

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  2. I think one phenomenon that irritates me is this #boymom thing in social media. Where Moms have multiple male children and it’s like a little “boys will be boys, haha the life of a boy mom” type deal.
    Also, I had an experience with a boob grab. I was playing a game with a little girl, we were playing zombie attack. She was having a ball, because I was actually engaging her and not encouraging her to play with dolls and be soft and quiet which is what her family groomed her for (it was my in-law family, didn’t see them much, but whenever they came around I would always observe the way they treated the female versus male sibling). When she saw me, an older female, playing aggressively and loudly and using my imagination, I could see her light up with smiles and lose the prissy little girl attitude almost immediately. Her brother, upon seeing me interacting with his sister, literally started hitting me for my attention. I was like, no, I’m playing with your sister, and kind of casually ignored him. Cause he was just fine doing his own thing with his toy cars until he saw we were playing in a traditionally boy way / I was giving attention to his sister and not him. At one point in the zombie game I was laying down pretending to be dead, and this little fucker, not happy that I was still refusing to engage, decided the next course of action would be a boob grab!! I was just like appalled because I looked at him with wide eyes and he smiled. This dude was like 5 or younger. He knew exactly what the hell he did. I was laying there not paying attention and he grabbed my tit. I can’t remember what I did, I think I said ‘that’s not okay’ in a very stern voice but he didn’t care. He had this like triumphant look on his face, like “Oh ignore me? I’ll just invade your space”. It was insane. My eyes really opened after that and now it’s so impossible for me to be idle when I see shit like that. Little boys really do act entitled from early on.
    I see it now in my brother, who turned 8 this year. He’s so spoiled rotten, being the youngest (I am 24, sister is 20) and far apart from our ages. But Mom doesn’t make him do shit. I can’t tell if it’s a combo of ‘youngest child’ syndrome with the fact it will be her last so she wants to baby and savor the baby-ness, or if it also has to do with the fact that it is her son and she already subconsciously expects much less out of him. Like, I was doing THE most adult shit at his age. Fully self-functional. My Mom wouldn’t accept less out of me. Now he’s out here at 8 still not cleaning his own room, not even doing his own homework. IT’s INSANE.
    I am pregnant with my little girl now and I’ve got so many worries for her. But I’m glad my first is a girl.

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    1. Congrats on your first girl!

      I am happy for that little girl that you were playing with, that you can show her some attention, even if it is only occasionally. She will never forget it.

      We all have these stories, about male children being horrid. It’s insidious, how they are socialized to dominate and we are socialized to just take it.

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      1. ‘Dominate’ is such a deceiving, pompous word. It makes it sound like it’s a fair game they win at. ‘Bully like a slavemaster’ would be more appropriate.

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      2. What blew my mind is that all of that crippling social anxiety which I used to contribute to ASD > was in fact a product of the femininity propaganda!!! I now just fake it to avoid conversing with dudes and being chastised for the avoidance.

        Ever since I embraced radical feminism fundamentally – the shyness (especially around males) evaporated into thin air. As well the previously also crippling body anxiety. Voila! I’ve seriously considered becoming a therapist just to preach this to every woman and girl I can get through to.

        I also channel my special interest energy and intellectual rigour into the radfem cause now. Female Aspies are invaluable to it because our focus and passion for a single subject is unrivalled.

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    2. My life at 8:

      Straight A student
      On top of 3 languages
      Working late into the night on translation work to help us migrate
      On top of a grown-up portion of domestic work
      Got myself ready in the morning without waking my mother, walked to school and back (in the snow!),did all my homework independently
      On top of self-directed intellectual hobbies

      All this in the midst of:
      3rd World poverty, chaos and tech
      Recent guardian change trauma
      Disconnected single mother

      So all 8 y.o. little boy shits not pulling their weight can kiss. my. ass.

      …And they wonder why Aspie girls are so much better functioning than boys > to the point that most of them are undetectable for diagnosis. Because we don’t get babied like the boys!! We have to function high to survive – no matter how dearly it costs us (it broke my physical health permanently).

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      1. yeah that blew my mind when I learned the differences in which autism is expressed in the sexes, and it is all to do with socialization

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  3. Sonia Johnson employed the dynamite strategy as well. She went from good married Mormon lady with 4 kids to one of the most radical among the radicals: her excommunication, divorce and living through the 2nd wave created the blast.

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    1. Sonia Johnson changed my life. I saw her in a lecture on YouTube, she was talking about what a waste of time that it was to beg male government for the ERA. She said that she was going to live her life NOW. Not down the road, not next year. NOW.

      She was moving on from male rule, as much as she was able. That’s what I am doing. And it makes me happy.

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    1. Oh no! What breed is Pepper?

      Sometimes I wonder if shocking women out of their complacency is the right strategy. Their + their daughters’ lives are at stake if they remain ignorant. If you’re in a prison cell – sometimes you need to petition the govt, others – bribe the guard and sometimes, the only option is to dynamite your way out. My 1st exposure to radfem material did the latter to me. Of course, I was already primed for it because I was a proto-radfem since childhood. I don’t know what the completely non-feminist state feels like as I’ve never been there.

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  4. Boy pregnancies and births are more difficult and need more intervention, during which the mother’s suffering means nothing. I’ve heard too many horror stories about gruesome forcep deliveries and starting emergency C-sections before the spinal kicked in to save the precious, precious male about to emerge from the unimportant vessel who’s being cut open medieval style. I’ve also heard about how long it takes mothers to recover from PTSD of that torture – some never do.

    On the subject of 3 of the same sex > have you noticed how many families have 3 boys compared to 3 girls? The girl ones are much rarer. Is this more sneaky girl feticide happening?

    I too have zero qualms about tearing down choosy choicers. I share the same planet with the males being produced: these women aren’t just made to create their own oppressors, but ALL OF OUR oppressors. My uncle was the deep favourite for being a very special male compared to my poor mum, who was the terrible unimportant girl. Her brother is a ‘lovable slacker’ type, who mined this preference his mother’s whole life, while my mum worked her butt off and never got any praise. This trauma got shifted onto me because she didn’t know how to deal with it. Only after I got deep into man-hating, did I figure this cycle of abuse out and fixed our relationship.

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    1. omg same with my uncle, mom’s brother. he is an overweight slacker but was always cherished and praised and loved. She was overachiever and even now is very successful and he still lives at home in his 40’s.

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  5. You’re absolutely right that it takes a great deal of mental gymnastics and magical thinking for anyone to assume that women have the power to overcome all of Patriarchy and all the influences of Patriarchy to raise feminist boys. Sure it’s possible sometimes and in some circumstances, but overall it’s just another pipe dream to tell women that we have power we don’t actually have. It’s also another way that women are blamed for men’s behavior. A mother has influence but we also live in an extremely misogynistic society where women’s influence is largely devalued and society teaches boys to hate women including their own mothers.

    I have my own story to share about mother with sons. I was in the hospital waiting for a family member to come out of surgery. I was particularly tired and grumpy that day after being up for all hours and facing severe anxiety about the outcome of surgery. I’m sitting there slumped grumpily in a chair with my legs stretched out on an ottoman. There were many small square ottomans scattered around the waiting room. There was a mother with three boys – one about kindergarten age, one toddler, and an infant wrapped in a signature blue blanket we all know is meant to broadcast to the world that “this infant has privilege, it’s worth something because it has a penis.” I just sort of sat there staring into thin air, not really thinking about the woman or her sons, just feeling exhausted, anxious and tired. Well her sons started pushing the ottomans around the waiting room and one came slamming into the one propping up my feet. Thankfully she immediately pulled her son away and told him not to do that.

    My first instinct was to pull my feet back and say “that’s okay.” But I realized that was part of the problem. Women are expected to shrink back and apologizing for taking up space because we’re supposed to be literal “nothingness.” So I just sat there, too tired to do much more than send the message that women exist and that our material existence should not be apologized for. I think it’s important that we do these little things Jayne. Sure there might be someone who will accuse you of being mean for slapping a little boys hand when he touched you without your permission. But what if that hand slap means the difference between that boy learning to keep his hands to himself or not? He obviously doesn’t listen to his mother so maybe that will be a teachable moment. People fail to understand that policing women’s reactions to men carries a price, and the price we all pay is living in a society full of violent males who won’t keep their hands to themselves.

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    1. Any male that I don’t know that touches me in public is getting a slap. It’s instinctive and reactive.

      I love that you are so aware of things. But we have to be, don’t we? How do we spend the whole of our lives considering the feelings of males to the dire exclusion of our own feelings? And it is so ingrained into us via socialization that we don’t even see it?

      And, I am sorry, sister, but 3? 3 males. I really don’t get it. I tweeted a thing that I found recently, about how sexism starts in the early stages of pregnancy. It was written by a woman that had been to a wedding and one of the uncles did a toast that ended with “may your first child be male”. There were a huge amount of stories from women about how they had heard the same sentiments at various times, and how males would crycry if the sentiment was reversed. There is so much bullshit around having kids, not to mention the SUCCESS of a woman birthing a male, and the FAILURE and DISAPPOINTMENT of birthing a girl.

      And here is what I mean about radical feminist women………

      About half way down, the conversation goes to how many of the radical feminist women on that radical feminist reddit think that a father is CRUCIAL. A woman started a thread there recently saying that she wanted to have children, but only girls, and she was looking for ways to sex selectively abort male fetuses. The “radical feminist” women tore her a new one, and lectured her about how important males are, and that we need males! One woman even asked her why she hated men, lol. She deleted her conversation before I could save it. But I can imagine how she must have felt.

      We are allowed to want to control our own reproductive capacity. It’s no one else’s business. But I wish that women would think critically about those choices, or lack of choices.

      Males are getting worse. I will eventually be dead and I am not leaving daughters behind, so I am all good. But we could do so much better.

      I hope that your family member made it through surgery ok. Hugs to you.

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      1. Wow, I didn’t think anybody could make me more mad in the same day than that man who wrote about breastfeeding his wife’s child, but that first quotation is some stiff competition. Such arrogant assumptions of what constitutes a “real” family. I don’t particularly care about her cutting the children off from their birth father because meh, the importance of fathers is in my opinion fabricated whole cloth by patriarchy, but cutting her own children off from their half-siblings? I sure hope they don’t unwittingly meet each other some day and find out whether genetic sexual attraction is really a thing.

        I think it’s perfectly fine to criticize other women’s choices. It doesn’t mean you don’t support women. I don’t buy into the relativist libfem “people choosing choices” worldview, because people choose choices for reasons, and sometimes those choices are motivated by patriarchy. And sometimes it’s just that people have never considered things from the other person’s perspective. I think we all benefit from communication with other women, including when we disagree. We just express our own views and try to help others see things from our perspective; it’s not like patriarchal men presenting their point of view as a basis for arguing why people should be forced or coerced into conforming to it.

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      2. Hugs to you as well and thank you for your well wishes. ❤ Everything came out okay with no complications.

        Yes, it's a common MRA talking point that "children's rights" include having a relationship with their biological father, even if that father is abusive or an otherwise unhealthy influence. I think this sentiment comes mostly from people who had bad relationships with their mothers so they assume that a relationship with their father would have been better. They're full on for male privilege of a father they never knew while never stopping to think that both of their parents might be monumentally fucked up people. They also just assume it's women's job to carry on regular supervised visits with abusive males "for the sake of the child" as if it's reasonable to expect women to spend their lives babysitting the sperm donor along with the responsibility of watching over her own children. I know radfems on gendercritical aren't directly saying this, but that's the direction the conversation is headed if they aren't careful.

        The woman in the original comment is SO MAD at other women, but I think her real anger is knowing that those kids could show up at any moment, push her aside, and maybe even bring in all kinds of extra problems and grief. That's a real and legitimate fear, but she shouldn't have attacked other women for it. I don't understand why she allowed the relationship to get serious with Nigel if she knew the long term consequences of him being a sperm donor. Attacking other women and their children is just not an option, well it's not an option if one cares about their own oppression and the oppression of other women. I guess she doesn't. smh

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      3. @Yinzadi, I support criticizing other women’s choices along as it’s done fairly and doesn’t allow men to escape responsibility for their actions. Too often I’ve seen women slammed and pilloried for relatively minor mistakes while men keep getting away with heinous and abusive behavior. To me, that is not criticism. It’s tearing down someone else and emboldening men to do their worst because men literally feed off of misogyny and women’s pain.

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    2. @No More Paper Towels (Sorry, I can’t find a way to reply to your reply directly.)

      I totally agree with that. I also think examining why women make the choices they do doesn’t mean blaming them for those choices, because we all live under patriarchy, and even the most free among us aren’t free in many major ways. But, for example, it would definitely be wrong to respond to the question, “Why do women is this country abort girls massively more than they abort boys?” with, “Well, abortion is a woman’s right, that’s her choice, we shouldn’t question that decision,” which is the sort of knee-jerk response I often see from libfems when somebody tries to analyze why anybody does anything. Obviously with this example, it’s 100% clear that women aren’t really “choosing” female feticide: their actions are a consequence of the patriarchal society they’re living in. That’s a very clear-cut example, but I think there’s a lot to be said for analyzing patterns in women’s choices and what’s causing those patterns to exist, rather than going, “Oh, it’s her choice, not my business.” Doesn’t mean we’re blaming the women who have been groomed by patriarchy into making those decisions in order to get by in the society they’re/we’re in.

      I was thinking specifically also about conversations among radical feminist women, because we’re all “woke” and trying to get woker, and I think differing perspectives can be useful in trying to figure out what strategies are most effective and least costly for bringing down patriarchy. Also doesn’t mean having to condemn anybody for their life choices, because we’re all trying to figure this shit out, and there are inevitably heavy patriarchal influences and pressures on all of us too.

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      1. Hey, yinzadi! I am working on the response post to you, it is up next to publish, as soon as I finish. My sweet old girl dog, pepper, had a bad episode this morning, requiring an emergency trip to the vet, so I may be scarce around the internet for a day or 2. She should be ok, but I had a scare, and it broke my brain temporarily.

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