“She let’s him do it”. Formerly known as “she was asking for it.” (AKA “she made him do it”)

He has two loans with our company. The first loan was written by my direct (female) boss over a year ago, the loan is secured with his truck as collateral. The second loan was written by me. He had won an economy car in a card game and he wanted to borrow money on it. … Continue reading “She let’s him do it”. Formerly known as “she was asking for it.” (AKA “she made him do it”)

Are you Lesbian? Male law demands to know.

It's never humorous for long, with XY, is it. I worked at the office, yesterday, the day started badly, yesterday was the one year anniversary of my Jackie dog dying, and it was a cold, dreary rain, all day. Although, I had my lil' office assistant with me... I mentioned in my previous post that … Continue reading Are you Lesbian? Male law demands to know.

How to tell if you are a Lesbian. Take the Quiz!

Having recently been informed by more than one dick dragger on exactly what makes a woman a Lesbian, I thought that I should immediately share this important knowledge, as bestowed generously upon me, POST HASTE, by the XY that I have to interact with at my place of employment. BE FOREWARNED, most of you are … Continue reading How to tell if you are a Lesbian. Take the Quiz!

CVS, Walgreens exerting patriarchal government ownership/enslavement of women and girls.

Here in the states, Walgreens and CVS are gleefully terrorizing women and girls who have obtained a prescription from their doctor. Pharmacists are scrutinizing each woman and girl who attempts to fill a prescription, in a gleeful show of domination, and their respective male owned companies are encouraging this particular sexism, misogyny, and terrorism... The … Continue reading CVS, Walgreens exerting patriarchal government ownership/enslavement of women and girls.

When he has a daughter. So he “understands”. But not really.

Sometime back in my internet interactions, I met him. We have ALL met him. He is "mr. I have a daughter/sister/mother/aunt/wife" and he UNDERSTANDS. He will explain to you that he was unable to fully understand how horrible male sexual terrorism affects women and girls, but now that it affects HIS woman/girl, well! Now he … Continue reading When he has a daughter. So he “understands”. But not really.

Rolling the dice.

Embedding YouTube shorts is an unknowable tech trick that is impossible to figure out, so i screen recorded. It's 60 seconds, let's watch... THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH EXPECTING A PATRIARCHAL SYSTEM TO ENFORCE PROTECTIONS FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS FROM RAPIST XY. Patriarchal courts created and enforce the law that claims that pornography is free … Continue reading Rolling the dice.

Male Identified vs. Woman Centered.

I have a new video up on Odysee which is about several things, but the theme of it is how male identified so many of us are, so much so that women carry water for xy, tirelessly defend xy, so many women are the proxy footsoldiers of male supremacy, endlessly policing other women, attempting to … Continue reading Male Identified vs. Woman Centered.